"Izhad" invites to a creative meeting "Watercolor of Bashkortostan"

"Izhad" invites to a creative meeting "Watercolor of Bashkortostan"

Republican drawing competition of E.M. Saitov among young artists and students of specialized faculties of art educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan presents a series of events.

On May 11 at 15.00 a creative meeting "Bashkortostan Watercolor" will take place.

The meeting will be held with an art critic, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the Association of Art Critics of Russia, an expert in artistic values, curator of the International Project "The Urals Triennial of Printed Graphics" I.N. Oskina.

Exhibition Hall "Izhad" BGHM them. M.V. Nesterova, Ufa, ul. Cosmonauts, 22.

Phone: (347) 242 28 35, 8 917 043 12 48.



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