Actress of the Bashkir Puppet Theater is a participant of the International Online Festival "The Puppet Island"

Actress of the Bashkir Puppet Theater is a participant of the International Online Festival "The Puppet Island"

Actress of the Bashkir State Puppet Theater Nadezhda Proshina takes part in the International Online Festival "The Puppet Island", organized by the Kostroma Regional Puppet Theater in 2020. Now this festival has the status of an independent theater festival.

The Puppet Island Festival was conceived during the period of self-isolation so that puppet theaters would not lose touch with the audience and colleagues. Both the participants and the audience liked the online holiday, it drew attention to puppet theaters and therefore began to be held on a regular basis.

On May 17, there will be a live discussion of the performances of the participants and a demonstration of the projects of laboratories that work within the framework of the festival on the basis of the Lipetsk Puppet Theater (the broadcast starts at 9:00 p.m).

On May 18 at 9:00 p.m., the results will be summed up - the winners in the nominations "Best Actor", "Best Doll" and "Theater I would like to visit" will be announced.

The winners are determined by a professional jury: a theater critic Marina Shimadina, a puppet theater director Alexander Ivanov, a theater and film actress Nelli Uvarova, a puppet theater actor Vladimir Nikulin, a puppet theater artist Nadezhda Krivomazova.

Live on May 18, the audience voting will end and the "Public Favorite" will be announced.


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